Our focus is channeled into areas where our actions can bring about the most significant impact.

Capacity Building for Construction Industry

At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to enhance the construction industry's capacity. Through meticulous research and passionate advocacy, we champion the rights of construction workers, including migrants and ex-offenders. Our groundbreaking initiatives also encompass a National Digital Registry of Workers, ensuring transparency and fairness. By digitizing the construction job marketplace, we create a level playing field for all, offering equal access to opportunities. Furthermore, our dedication to innovation drives us to redefine skills development, training, and knowledge dissemination, fostering growth and progress within the industry.

Digitization of construction jobs marketplace with equal access to opportunities
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Innovation in skills development, training & knowledge dissemination
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National digital registry of workers
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Preventing disaster damage in affordable housing with resiliency assessments
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Tech support for mass post-disaster safety and affordable housing reconstruction and community resilience
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Digitization of resiliency & sustainable building requirements for workforce access
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National digital registry of construction workers to help organize labor in reconstruction zones
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Pre- and Post-Disaster Assessments & Reconstruction of the Built Environment

Pioneering recovery and fortitude within the built environment, we spearhead transformative initiatives. Leveraging technology, we offer robust support for large-scale post-disaster building assessments and affordable housing reconstruction. Our National Digital Registry orchestrates labor, optimizing reconstruction zones. Through thorough resiliency assessments, we proactively identify strategies to bolster the affordable housing framework against potential disasters. Furthermore, we're committed to fostering sustainability through the digitization of resilient building requisites, providing the workforce with access to vital tools for creating enduring, sustainable structures.

Advance Digitization and Tech Adoption in Emerging Markets

Catalyzing progress in emerging markets through technological innovation, we embark on a transformative journey. Our initiatives range from digitizing value chains to providing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with digital access to micro-loan funds, fostering financial growth. Data and analytics illuminate the path toward enhanced financial inclusion strategies, while the integration of AI and ML advances credit scoring and housing loan program development. Impact reporting stands as a testament to our commitment, showcasing the positive effects of emerging market housing-related credits. Our dedication to innovation drives us to explore inventive approaches, aiming to redefine and elevate affordable housing development, making it accessible, sustainable, and technologically advanced.

Impact reporting for beneficiaries of emerging market housing-related credits
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Data and analytics to improve financial inclusion strategies
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Value chain digitization
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Advance innovative approaches to improve affordable housing development
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Utilize AI & ML to assist in credit scoring and housing loan program development
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SME digital access to micro-loan funds
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iBUILD Global Foundation
8 The Green, Suite 300 Dover, DE 19901
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